What You Need to Know about Newsletters

So I was talking with a potential

Equity Seller today and I was 
blown away with what he told me.
I got on the phone with this seller
and instantly I could tell he had
an deep affection for me.
That is to say report was built before
I said one word.
Now, I know you've been on calls with
sellers that this has just not been the case, 
most of the time.
Most of the time they are suspicious
and sometimes confrontational.
As I proceeded to have a conversation with 
this Equity Seller, it just got better and better.
The positive comments just kept coming;
I can see your a self made man and I like that,
you seem very trust worthy and honest.
Now I can tell you, most of my Equity Seller
appointments go like this.
All of this has been happening since we 
have been sending out my origin story via 
my newsletter in the mail before my sales 
conversion call.
I will tell you this works like magic and if you 
aren't doing a newsletter then you have to get 
on board with this as soon as you can. The
calls are almost a lay me down. 
Here's to your continual success,
Lathe Lavada

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